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2010: Vehicle Integration and System Optimization

On 18th and 19th November 2010 the A3PS organized it´s 5th international conference in Vienna. Representatives from industry, policy and research institutions presented and discussed their latest results concerning the introduction of alternative propulsion systems.


Day 1 - Vehicle Integration

Keynote Session

Andreas Dorda

Göran Wirmark

Gerald Killmann

Antonio Bertini

Ralf Dingeldein (not published)

Session 1

Wolfgang Kriegler

Harald Plöckinger

Ewald Wahlmüller

Andreas Schenner

Helmut Eichlseder

Session 2

Gerfried Jungmeier

Luis Cachon

Hannes Lacher

Manfred Klell

Day 2 - System Optimization

Keynote Session

Karsten Hofmann

Mo-Hua Yang


Peter Gollob

Wolfgang Wukisiewitsch

Daniel Watzenig

Franz E. Leichtfried

Georg Brasseur

Günther Brauner

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